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General conditions

  • This portal and all solutions included are property of "Aquila" Kordian Bartoszuk company.
  • This portal serves only visualization of scientific data gathered by means of telemetry devices or by other means to those who purchased appropriate service or obtained appropriate permission from the owner. It is strictly prohibited to utilize the portal in any other, not connected with scientific research, manner. In particular it is strictly prohibited to copy the solutions, tools, texts or any data of this portal in order to develop own or competitive products, including development by third persons.
  • For the part of the portal requiring logon credentials, usage and utilisation without permission of the owner is strictly prohibited.
  • Each authorized user becomes its own logon credentials. It is the user's duty to conform with portal's security measures and data security by cautious and aware usage, especially with regard to access devices used, which, especially in public places, can be exposed to acts which compromize security (collecting logon credentials, camera/video monitoring, etc.).
  • Passing the logon credentials to third persons is strictly prohibited.

Detail conditions


For paid service:

Access to the portal can be granted in case of:

  • purchase of dataloggers or other "Aquila" company products
  • purchase of access service to any portal's module

In all of the above mentioned cases:

  1. The purchaser is entitled to use the portal and the corresponding data according to the contract.
  2. The purchaser is entitled to chose the solutions for acquiring, visualising and analysing the purchased data or services. If "Aquila" solutions have been chosen, the purchaser is entitled to utilize them within the range of conducted scientific research, but visual side of the solutions has to be maintained in all publications, in particular with regard to logotypes. If third-party solutions have been chosen, the purchaser is entitled to use appropriate export tools available within the portal.


For non-pais service:

Access to the portal can be granted in case of:

  • usage of "Aquila" company test devices
  • usage of devices supplied by "Aquila" company

In all of the above mentioned cases:

  1. The recipient is entitled to use the portal and the corresponding data according to the contract.
  2. The recipient is entitled to chose the solutions for acquiring, visualising and analysing the purchased data or services. If "Aquila" solutions have been chosen, the recipient is entitled to utilize them within the range of conducted scientific research, but visual side of the solutions has to be maintained in all publications, in particular with regard to logotypes. If third-party solutions have been chosen, the recipient is entitled to use appropriate export tools available within the portal, but appropriate notice has to be included in any publications informing that data has been collected by means of "Aquila" company solutions. Company's internet page address "" must also be included in that notice.

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